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Foto del escritor: María Palomares TaríMaría Palomares Tarí

Machine translation refers to fully automated software that can translate content from one language into one or more other languages. Recent systems are based on artificial intelligence and use ‘neural networks’ to translate — these systems learn patterns fro pre-processed data.

Now, neural machine translation is an advanced version of machine translation which can deliver an even more accurate and context-base translation in an efficient way. Actually, current neural machine translation (NMT) systems can process a great amount content in mere seconds.

Automated translation is also used by professional translators and translation companies as a tool to speed up and enhance their work. At YOKO, for example, this technology enables us to reduce time-to-market launches in the most cost-effective manner: we work with AI-powered platform and state-of-the-art CAT tools to speed up the process and neural machine translation allows us to achieve a dynamic and efficient translation and localization process.

How is neural machine translation different?

Neural machine translation uses neural networks to translate source text to target text, and neural networks can work with very large datasets and require little supervision. By contrast, conventional phrase-based MT only considers the context of a few words on either side of the translated word.

The power of NMT, therefore, lies in its neural network architecture, which allows it to learn from vast amounts of data and adapt to new contexts — an ideal technology to translate lots of content quickly, accurately, and flexibly.

What are the benefits of neural machine translation?

  • High accuracy: NMT engines can understand the broader context of words and phrases to produce more accurate and fluent translations and improve over time.

  • Customization: The output of NMT can be customized and updated through terminology databases, brand-specific glossaries, and other data sources to improve results.

  • Fast learning: Neural networks can be trained quickly through automated processes.

  • Simple integration and flexibility: it can be integrated via APIs (application programming interface) and SDKs (software development kit) into any software and applied to many content file formats.

  • Scalability: When your translation needs to scale up, neural machine translation can help to quickly and easily meet increased demand.

  • Cost efficiency: NMT makes it possible to take advantage of highly accurate and fast systems to produce translations at a fraction of the cost.

Note! After that, it is also essential to rely on human translators to take care of machine translation post-editing — machine translation & human translation can create the perfect mix. At YOKO, our expert's final touch will provide a high quality result.

Need translation services? Reach out to us!

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